Are you aware of what your recreational vehicle insurance policy covers and does not cover? Review the information below. It will familiarize you with the types of situations that will require an insurance claim to be filed.
Coverage Types
Liability Protection
Liability protection prevents legal expenses from spiraling out of control and handles costs associated with repairing a vehicle or property. For instance, your liability insurance will protect you if you drive your recreational vehicle and hit another motorist’s vehicle.
Loss Of Use
Your recreational vehicle insurance policy may cover loss of use. This coverage applies to any damage that makes your vehicle inoperable. It will pay for vehicle repairs and may also cover the cost of purchasing a replacement RV.
Improper Care
Maintaining your recreational vehicle is your responsibility. If you fail to take care of your vehicle, the damage it endures will not be covered by your recreational insurance policy.
Any incidents that happen will need to be assessed during the claims process. If an insurance adjuster determines that damage occurred due to the failure to maintain your RV, your insurance claim will be denied.
Standard Wear and Tear
Your RV will undergo standard wear and tear. If you use your vehicle frequently, parts may break prematurely. In spite of this, you cannot expect your RV insurance policy to handle the cost of replacing any damaged items. Your insurance policy will not cover mechanical parts that break down from normal use.
Contact Greater Tulsa Insurance Inc.
Please schedule an appointment with one of our Greater Tulsa Insurance Inc. representatives. An agent serving the Tulsa, OK, region will provide additional information about RV insurance exclusions.